www.fngla.org The Florida Nursery Grower Landscape Association.
The University of Florida is an excellent resource for horticultural information. Click here to search their blogs and publications. ifas.ufl.edu/
Here is the University of Florida's web-bookstore. You'll find lot's of helpful flip cards, charts and books. They ship very fast too! ifasbooks.ifas.ufl.edu/c-93-lawn-and-landscape.aspx
Is a plant invasive or not? Click here; https://assessment.ifas.ufl.edu/assessments/
Here is another website to see if a plant is invasive or poisonous to livestock or pets: plants.ifas.ufl.edu/plant-directory/
Here is the best place to send plant samples if you need to know what disease (if any) is the issue. They are in Homestead and specialize in South Florida plant problems.trec.ifas.ufl.edu/plantdiagnosticclinic/
What is wrong with my lawn? The best place to send turf samples for disease analysis and nematode assay is in Gainesville. turf.ifas.ufl.edu/
HS876-HS141 Citrus Problems In The Home Landscape Nice color photos of common problems we see including solutions.
What is wrong with my palm? This website will help you narrow it down: flrec.ifas.ufl.edu/palmprodpalm-problems-key/
Here is a link to Quizlet, a free website and app for your smart phone. I've made a set of flash cards to help identify bedding plants, and several other teachers have made charts and games to help you study various chapters in the FCHP manual. quizlet.com/subject/fchp/
You can search Quizlet for other FNGLA topics too.
I am on Instagram You won't find photos of sunsets on the beach but plenty of plant pictures. www.instagram.com/bob_dirt/
Gardening Information
If you enjoy growing vegetables and flowers by seed, here are some of my favorite sources;
Vegetable Seeds
www.johnnyseeds.com Full of color and detailed growing information. Many flowers too.
www.seedsofchange.com All organically-grown seed source of vegetables and flowers.
www.tomatogrowers.com Fort Myers, Florida-based company with a huge range of tomatoes and peppers.
www.seedsavers.org Heirloom vegetables and flowers. Extraordinary selections from Russia, Mexico, etc.
www.thegarlicstore.com The best. A dizzying array of types and top quality planting bulbs. Consider hard-neck types for flavor.
www.dixondalefarms.com Sweet onions. For us Floridians, plant the short-day types.
www.victoryseeds.com Dwarf and heirloom tomato seeds, much more.
Flower Seeds
http://www.swallowtailgardenseeds.com Lots of interesting seeds for a very good price.
Useful Books
Vegetable Gardening in Florida by James M. Stephens, University of Florida Press. A colorful, thorough guide.
Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. An efficient way to organize your beds to get the most food per inch.
Vegetable Gardening Website
University of Florida http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/VH021
www.fngla.org The Florida Nursery Grower Landscape Association.
The University of Florida is an excellent resource for horticultural information. Click here to search their blogs and publications. ifas.ufl.edu/
Here is the University of Florida's web-bookstore. You'll find lot's of helpful flip cards, charts and books. They ship very fast too! ifasbooks.ifas.ufl.edu/c-93-lawn-and-landscape.aspx
Is a plant invasive or not? Click here; https://assessment.ifas.ufl.edu/assessments/
Here is another website to see if a plant is invasive or poisonous to livestock or pets: plants.ifas.ufl.edu/plant-directory/
Here is the best place to send plant samples if you need to know what disease (if any) is the issue. They are in Homestead and specialize in South Florida plant problems.trec.ifas.ufl.edu/plantdiagnosticclinic/
What is wrong with my lawn? The best place to send turf samples for disease analysis and nematode assay is in Gainesville. turf.ifas.ufl.edu/
HS876-HS141 Citrus Problems In The Home Landscape Nice color photos of common problems we see including solutions.
What is wrong with my palm? This website will help you narrow it down: flrec.ifas.ufl.edu/palmprodpalm-problems-key/
Here is a link to Quizlet, a free website and app for your smart phone. I've made a set of flash cards to help identify bedding plants, and several other teachers have made charts and games to help you study various chapters in the FCHP manual. quizlet.com/subject/fchp/
You can search Quizlet for other FNGLA topics too.
I am on Instagram You won't find photos of sunsets on the beach but plenty of plant pictures. www.instagram.com/bob_dirt/
Gardening Information
If you enjoy growing vegetables and flowers by seed, here are some of my favorite sources;
Vegetable Seeds
www.johnnyseeds.com Full of color and detailed growing information. Many flowers too.
www.seedsofchange.com All organically-grown seed source of vegetables and flowers.
www.tomatogrowers.com Fort Myers, Florida-based company with a huge range of tomatoes and peppers.
www.seedsavers.org Heirloom vegetables and flowers. Extraordinary selections from Russia, Mexico, etc.
www.thegarlicstore.com The best. A dizzying array of types and top quality planting bulbs. Consider hard-neck types for flavor.
www.dixondalefarms.com Sweet onions. For us Floridians, plant the short-day types.
www.victoryseeds.com Dwarf and heirloom tomato seeds, much more.
Flower Seeds
http://www.swallowtailgardenseeds.com Lots of interesting seeds for a very good price.
Useful Books
Vegetable Gardening in Florida by James M. Stephens, University of Florida Press. A colorful, thorough guide.
Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. An efficient way to organize your beds to get the most food per inch.
Vegetable Gardening Website
University of Florida http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/VH021